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Parenting Preschoolers with a Plan!

Sneak Peak into our founding member special!

Here is the 11th video in the 22 video series, titled: Logical Consequences. Each video is on a new parenting topic. 

This beta launch is filled with simple videos (like the one above), easy-print handouts (such as this one that goes along with this video) and a free Facebook group to bring your positive parenting skills to the next level! 

This brand new course is carefully organized to make it easy for you to put your new skills into practice immediately. 

What does it mean to be a founding member? 

You will be the first to receive access to this parenting course and all it includes. In return, I would love your feedback and ideas on how to improve this course. 

To make it even sweeter for you, the first 100 people to sign up will receive over 50% off. Just use the coupon code: FIRST100

Your Price: $89

Regular Price: $179

That's an $89 savings!

This self-paced online course includes over 22 of the most popular topics, carefully organized to make it easy for you to put into practice today!

No more driving down the road and things instantly turn into melt-down city!

Sign up here: Parenting with a Plan here.​​

What will you learn?


Imagine your child:

  • Leaving the house on time
  • Going to sleep without a fuss
  • Laying down to rest or nap daily
  • Following a schedule that prevents hunger and tiredness
  • Staying in their bed all night
  • Taking Turns/Share with siblings and friends.
  • Following house rules
  • Listening and follow directions.
  • Leaving the park or other desirable area without screaming.


You will also learn:

  • How to respond to your child's tantrums.
  • The difference between a Logical consequence and a Natural consequence.
  • The difference between "sorry" and "empathy."
  • How to support your child's social and emotional development. 
  • How to prevent negative attention-getting behavior.
  • Understand the role of discipline in a positive way.
Prevent those unwanted behaviors today! 

Sign up here: Parenting with a Plan here.​​

