Materials Needed
- Two (2) Empty paper or plastic cup
- One (1) Plastic spoon
- Eight (8) Cheerios (or other small cereal)
What your child will learn:
- Count using one to one correspondence.
- Count up to 5 or more.
- Understand rules and expectations.
- Use words and gestures to communicate.
- Gross Motor: Balance and Coordination
- Fine Motor: Motor Planning
Step 1: Tell the child they’re going to practice balance and coordination skills.
Step 2: The adult should place eight Cheerios in one plastic cup.
Step 3: Place the plastic cup, at the child’s level, on one side of a room.
Step 4: The adult should place the empty plastic cup on the other side of the empty room.
Step 5: Tell the child to hold the spoon in one hand and place a Cheerio onto the plastic spoon.
Step 6: Tell the child to spin around in a circle three times, keeping the Cheerio on the spoon. Help the child count to three.
Step 7: Tell the child to walk across the room to the empty plastic cup, keeping the Cheerio on the spoon.
Step 8: Once the child reaches the other cup, tell them to tip the spoon into the cup so the Cheerio falls in the cup.
Step 9: Repeat steps 5 through 8 until the child has moved all of the Cheerios.
Optional: Repeat as many times as you want. Have the child count the steps it takes to get from one cup to the other.