6 Reasons Why "Pre-K YOUR Way" is Perfect for YOUR Child
1. It Can be Completed when it's best for YOUR Family or Classroom:
We all know that life gets busy and our time is valuable. Every family has their own schedule and preference for what they want to teach and when. This curriculum was created to be flexible to meet every families needs. Complete our 10 to 15 minutes activities:
* One time or repeated many times.
* As often as you would like.
* Any time of day.
* Anywhere (at home, at the park, on vacation, inside, outside, and a neighbors house, at a preschool or anywhere else).
*Note: Some Early Childhood Teachers and Homeschooling families have requested a sample daily schedule to plan out activities. Feel free to use this plan and modify it as necessary to fit the the unique needs of your children. You can find this plan HERE.
2. It is Flexible Enough to Fit into Every Family's Lifestyle:
Every child has a unique learning style, but they all have one thing in common; they learn best when you are actively engaging with them. Each Activity:
* Can be completed with one child or ten children.
* Uses items typically found around a home (such as blankets, pillows, empty boxes, ice cubes, and more). No need to buy anything expensive.
* Includes simple, clear, step-by step instructions so any adult (including parents, daycare providers, preschools, babysitters and grandparents), will feel confident completing these activities.
* Since every child is unique and learn at different paces, our activities are SKILL-Based not AGE-based.
3. They Meet YOUR Child's Unique Learning Style.
Have you noticed that some children like to move, others like to draw, some like to read and some like to build?
Our activities are based off of Howard Gardner (a Harvard University Professor)'s educational theory called "multiple intelligences". Gardner believed that every child is unique and learns differently. He explained that there are 8 ways people learn. These 8 "intelligences" include:
- Linguistic - "Word Smart"
- Logical-Mathematical - "Numbers/Reasoning Smart"
- Spatial - "Picture Smart"
- Bodily - Kinesthetic - "Movement Smart"
- Musical - "Rhythms and Songs Smart"
- Interpersonal - "People Smart"
- Intrapersonal - "Self Smart"
- Naturalist - "Outdoor/Nature Smart"
Our play-based, hands-on activities teach academic and social skills using movement games, art, music, reading, drawing and more.
Since every child is unique and learn at different paces, our activities are SKILL-Based not AGE-based.
4. They Can be Completed When it's Best for YOUR Family or Classroom.
We all know that life gets busy and our time is valuable. Every family has their own schedule and preference for what they want to teach and when. This curriculum was created to be flexible to meet every families needs. Complete our 10 to 15 minutes activities:
* One time or repeated many times.
* As often as you would like.
* Any time of day.
* Anywhere (at home, at the park, on vacation, inside, outside, and a neighbors house, at a preschool or anywhere else).
*Note: Some Early Childhood Teachers and Homeschooling families have requested a sample daily schedule to plan out activities. Feel free to use this plan and modify it as necessary to fit the the unique needs of your children. You can find this plan HERE.
5. It Teaches Both Academic and Social Skills
Our Activities are based on current, National, Preschool and Kindergarten Standards, teaching children the necessary skills needed to enter Preschool and Kindergarten (either Public, Private or Homeschool).
Every activity includes it's own Learning Objectives, demonstrating what your child is learning from each of the following academic and developmental areas:
Math and Science - Addition, Subtraction, Patterning, Measurement and More!
Cognitive Development - Problem Solving
Physical Development - Large and Small Muscle Development (Jumping, Hopping, Using Scissors, Writing, etc)
Language Development - Vocabulary and Communication Development
Literacy Skills - Letter Knowledge and Beginning Reading
Social and Emotional Development - Engaging with adults and peers in an age-appropriate way
Self-Help Skills - Independent Skills
6. It Strengthen's Your Bond With Your Child.
Parenting Preschoolers is hard work! Our Activities support you and your child's emotional development.
* Includes positive parenting strategies.
* Our Level 1 Social and Emotional activities teach emotional development in a child-friendly way.
* Our Parenting Tips Blog Posts provide answers to common questions.
* By completing these activities, your child will learn and this one-on-one time will strengthen your special parent-child bond.
Does your child ever have "BIG" Feelings? Our Soothing Sammy Set teaches children how to calm down in a way that is EASY for children to understand and SIMPLE for parents to implement!!