Every Child Should Have Access to Calm Down Techniques
They Can Understand.
All children have feelings. It is up to us to teach them how to respond to their feelings.
Children with developmental delays don't always understand what is asked of them, especially when given directions without any visual or tactile prompts.
Like the other day when a mom was playing on the floor with her two children. Her son reached over and took a puzzle piece that her daughter was playing with.
Before she could respond, her daughter was kicking and screaming on the floor, unable to calm down.
You see, her daughter has sensory processing needs and it is hard for her to calm down when she is upset.
Her mom tried talking to her, but nothing would calm her daughter down.
Teach Your Child How to Respond to Emotions!
Children who have a hard time processing emotions, don't want to listen to someone talking to them.
First they have to calm down. But how?
Research states the use of sensory components, specifically visual and tactile cues, are the best options to clearly redirect children when they are overwhelmed.
Hi! I'm Jeana Kinne, a Preschool Director turned Early Intervention Specialist working with infants and toddlers with developmental delays. There are a lot of products out there that teach adults how to help children calm down, but I couldn't find anything that taught our kids this skill - in a way that is easy for them to identify with and understand.
That's when I decided to write my first children's book called "Soothing Sammy."

Two Reasons Why Sammy Works
1. Use Visual Supports
"Soothing Sammy" is a story that uses simple, colorful pictures to teach calming sensory strategies to young children.
Children will be introduced to jumping in place, taking a breath, listening to a favorite song and other simple sensory strategies that help them calm down.
In the story, once the children are calm, Sammy encourages children to communicate their feelings by identifying why they were feeling overwhelmed and learn how to prevent it from happening again.
When your child becomes upset, show the Sammy post-card (included) to your child. This visual cue will remind them Soothing Sammy is available to help, encouraging them to use the items in the "house" the same way the children did in the book!
2. Use Tangible Tools
At the end of the book, there are instructions on how to make a Sammy House for your child. Sammy, the plush dog, is included with the children's book. This loveable stuffed animal reminds children about the Sammy, prompting them to work through their emotions using the sensory techniques they learned in the book.
Sammy is almost one foot long, machine washable and is safe for children ages 2 years old and up. Follow the directions in the back of the book to build a house for Sammy to live in, placing the same common household items into it as described in the children's book.
Placing a choice board near Sammy's home with two or three photos of calming items on it, will help your child feel less overwhelmed when choosing a calming item. Allow your child to request an object by pointing to it.
Create a Sammy Corner!
My Son with ASD Actually Understands!
"Soothing Sammy has been great for our family, especially my son with Autism. I purchased Soothing Sammy to start working with my (almost) 3-year-old on identifying emotions and learning to soothe. My son was diagnosed with Autism a year ago, and we have to be very intentional when it comes to things like communication and his emotional needs. I had no idea that my 6-year-old would love Sammy so much too. Sammy is super soft which gives them that lovely sensory input they both need. When my son is upset we go grab Sammy and he holds him. Sometimes, we read him the story too. Last week, my son said "Parker sad!" when I was struggling to understand what he was asking for. His ability to communicate that feeling is a huge breakthrough for us. I just wished I had ordered two so they wouldn't fight over him so much." - Jennilyn
Sammy Teaches Calm Down Strategies in a Way that Makes Sense!
The colorful photos and simple story is perfect for children learning communication, problem solving and calm down strategies.
In the story, children (who are upset) visit Sammy, a golden retriever, at his dog house. Sammy shows his new friends, how to calm down with items he has in his home.
These items resemble typical household items such as a child's cup to drink some water, a washcloth to wet and touch, a crunchy snack and a happy picture look at.
Follow the directions in the back of the book to create your own Sammy house for the Sammy plush (included.) Fill it with common household items the children used in the book.
Create some picture choice cards and a sticker chart filled with pictures of the items in Sammy's house. When your child becomes upset, redirect them to Sammy's house to use familiar visual and tactile calming techniques.
Use the activities in the Activity Guide to learn how to prevent tantrums. These activities and tips support positive interactions at home and out in the community (at restaurants, during shipping trips and at the park.)
Excited for Sammy for My Child With Sensory Processing Challenges!
"I ordered Sammy for my 7 year old son who sometimes gets angry and has a hard time controlling his emotions. Sammy arrived today and he was very excited to see what he was about. We read the book together and have already decorated his home. I am hopeful that this is going to be a great teaching tool for him and that Sammy is going to become a big part of helping him control his emotions. We are very excited to incorporate these new teaching tools into our everyday lives. Sammy is super cute and the book is at a reading level that young children can read on there own." - Heidi
Supporting Sensory Breaks as a Positive Experience.
Hello! My name is Jeana and I wanted to help her and other parents who felt helpless when their children had strong reactions to their feelings.
I know how hard it is to teach children with sensory and speech needs how to process their emotions. I have worked with children with a wide range of developmental delays for 10 years and currently work in Early Intervention.
I looked everywhere for visual and tactile supports that taught both children and parents how to respond to their feelings in a positive way.
I couldn't find anything that taught our kids this skill - in a way that is easy for them to identify with and understand.
That's when I decided to write my first children's book called "Soothing Sammy."