Since having children, do you ever wonder why it is so hard to leave your house on time? Our children must stay up till the wee hours of the night planning how they can procrastinate every little thing we ask them to do... right?
I mean, why else would it take 45 minutes to complete 5 minutes worth of tasks?
These little people are so dependent on YOU, that it takes, maybe twice as long to get everything done in the morning... Much less leave for you to eat breakfast!
Here are 3 Tips on how to encourage/prepare your family to be out of the house on time, belly's full and teeth brushed!
- Decide what YOU are going to wear AND what your children are going to wear (to help decrease the clothing battles with toddlers, have them be part of this decision process).
- Prepare lunches on the weekends - or meal prep the night before.
- Prepare ingredients for breakfast the night before (scramble the eggs, fill the cereal bowls with cereal so all you have to do is add milk...). Saving even one minute in the mornings will help!
- Have ONE spot for your "leaving" pile. Here you will place EVERYTHING you need to take with you the following morning. Make this pile close to the door. Double check the pile before you go to bed to make sure you didn't forget anything for you (or for the kids).
- Wake up everyday at the same time (yes, even on the weekends. This will help you get your internal clock stay on a consistent wake-up schedule, resulting with you, and the kids, not hitting SNOOZE as much).
- Have the same routine every morning. A simple morning routine with a picture schedule will help young kids - Take a picture of them waking up, brushing their teeth, eating breakfast, etc. Glue the photos, in the order you want them to complete each task, onto a piece of construction paper. Place the photo list near their bedroom so they can refer to it everyday and remember what they are to do next.
- This is so important. Keep your instructions to a two-part minimum. (Pick up your shoes and meet me by the door). Don't start listing everything your child needs to do that day (go downstairs, find your backpack, put your shoes one, grab your lunchbox.. and don't forget your water bottle! ... um yup, you are lucky if your child remembers the first three things)!
- Give the direction only one time. If your child doesn't complete the task, tell them that you will help them if they are unable to do it. If they still don't do it, follow through and help them complete it (helping them means that you will guide them through the process - not do it for them). Kids will learn that when you give them the instruction the first time, you will follow up and make sure they do it.
These tips are wonderful .... but what about those times your child isn't listening? What about those times when they are melting down and you are forced to carry them kicking and screaming to the car?
Yes, there are those days, and no matter what you do, there will always be those unfortunate times where your child just isn't cooperating with your plan.
I have talked about Soothing Sammy before, but mostly for at home, when really, the Sammy set can be used everywhere.... such as helping your screaming child calm down in the backseat. Yup.... we have all observed this struggle. The parent guide included with the set, describes how to make a calming house for the car too! For more information, click on the photo below:
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