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10 Simple Ways to Toilet Train Your Child

As a parent educator and long time preschool teacher, I have toilet trained over 100 children and changed thousands of diapers. Many parents have come to me for advice on how to be "done with diapers."

To learn the technique on how I have helped children successfully use the bathroom, download my FREE 10 step toilet training PDF:

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    • I have a 20 month old who loves sitting on the potty and thinks it’s a ton of fun, but he never actually uses the potty. My oldest refused to even sit on the potty until he was about 2 1/2 years old, because there was a song that it played which scared him when he was smaller.
      When my oldest finally sat down, he used the potty without a problem and potty training was rather simple after that. We just had to get him on. So my question is, how do we get the little one to understand what he needs to do on the potty when he sits on it?

    • I am curious if you have any suggestions for a 4 yo boy potty training at night. We are not having luck.


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