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How to Plan Your Preschool Day

"This activity, that center, this project... wait and that one too!
Inside time, outside time... oh no! I forgot group time and snack time!"


Have thoughts like these been running through your head as you start to plan for your preschool year? Or maybe what you are doing now isn't fitting the needs of your current group of children?

This Free Curriculum Guide  discusses how to incorporate the Pre-K YOUR Way curriculum activities into a Homeschool, Daycare and Preschool setting, creating a simple, stress free and fun-filled year!  It also touches on 8 ways to create a successful learning environment for your students!

**Note: Feel free to modify this as necessary to fit the the unique needs to the children you are teaching. This curriculum was created emphasize the uniqueness of every child. Take as long (or as little) time as you would like to complete each activity.

Included in the guide are:

  • Level 1 – Pre-K YOUR Way Curriculum Schedule
  • Level 2 – Pre-K YOUR Way Curriculum Schedule
  • Level 3 – Pre-K YOUR Way Curriculum Schedule
  • Individual Child’s Teacher/Parent Conference Report
  • Documentation/Tracking Each Child’s Progress
  • 8 Ways to Create a Successful Classroom Experience
    • Setting up the Classroom
    • Classroom Materials
    • Understanding Teachable Moments
    • Understanding Project Implementation
    • Circle Time Routine
    • Daily Classroom Schedule
    • Supporting Social Skill Development
    • Implementing Classroom Rules
    • Meeting Children’s Basic Needs

Download this Free Guide Here!


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