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The 5 Best Fall Songs

Singing is so much fun! Not only does it teach new vocabulary, but songs can also teach a variety of learning concepts. Here are my 5 favorite Fall songs!

1. 5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate

2. PUMPKIN (Sung to the tune of "BINGO was his Name-o") - There was a farmer who had a Pumpkin and ORANGE was his name-o (spelled out orange)

3. Tick Tock the SPIDER went up the clock (Same tune as "TICK TOCK the mouse went up the clock")

4. The Itsy Bitsy Spider - Continue with the "great big spider," "the very loud spider" and "the quiet, quiet spider."

5. Baby Spider Crawl Crawl, Crawl, Crawl, Crawl, Crawl (Same tune as BABY SHARK) with hand motions same as itsy bitsy spider crawling up!

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