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Level 1: Unit 9: Learning in the Car Activities

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The 9th Unit of the Pre-K YOUR Way Level 1 Series.

Perfect for children ages 2 though 6, these 15 minute activities teach math, science, language and motor, social and self help skills! The step-by-step activities guide you through movement, music, art, cooking and more playful games, teaching your child everything they need to be successful in Preschool and Kindergarten (in Public, Private or Homeschool). This two-part, 41 page, digital download includes:

Part 1: 10 "Learning in the Car" Academic Activities:    All activities utilize items/materials typically found in the home (no need to buy more stuff to complete these activities).

    • The "Learning in the Car" Theme includes learning activities that can be completed during both short and long car rides. All Activities are related to the theme "Learning in the Car" such as: "Sharing Minds", "Counting Bop" and "Voice Game".

            Part 2: Parenting Guide: "Preparing for Travel with Children" provides strategies to prepare for a successful car ride (either long or short) with young children. This guide touches on how to create an engaging car environment, sharing small spaces with siblings and forgoing technology in the car. Includes Social Skill Building Activities to address this topic.

            All activities teach to these Level 1 Learning Objectives  

              Customer Reviews

              Based on 1 review
              Krystle Smith
              Learning While I Drive

              We used Level 1 Module 9 A7 with our 2 year old. She learned her body parts this past year, so it was great for starting patterns. At first she would get easily distracted as I added to the patterns, but the more we play around with them in the car, the more she catches on. I love being able to do this in the car on the way to daycare to get her mind working and ready for the day!
              We also did A10, which she LOVES. She gets very antsy in the car and being able to explain the steps of our day (whether errands or adventures) helps her feel involved and calmer as we transition throughout the day. What I love is that she is catching on and will now tell us, "I am going to eat, then get a cookie, then brush my teeth!"
              Some of these activities we will be doing as she matures a little. I can't wait to go over colors and start playing iSpy on road trips. She is already working on some bigger items like school busses and trees.
              What I love most about this module is that I can do it with her even if I am driving. A lot of them are songs or things I keep in the car, so I can do them on the way to work or while running errands.
              She also includes a VERY helpful guide to road trips and tips for kids who don't love car rides. Well worth the money for the activities!

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