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Level 1: Unit 4: Helping Around My House Activities

Regular price $2.00 Sale

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The 4th Unit of the Pre-K YOUR Way Level 1 Series.

Perfect for children ages 2 though 6, these 15 minute activities teach math, science, language and motor, social and self help skills! The step-by-step activities guide you through movement, music, art, cooking and more playful games.

This two-part, 40 page, digital download includes:

Part 1: 10  "Household" Academic Activities: All activities utilize items/materials typically found in the home (no need to buy more stuff to complete these activities).

  • The "Household" Theme includes activities that help your child learn a variety of skills while completing every-day tasks. These activities incorporate laundry games, kitchen games (clean up and menu preparation) and clean up games. Examples include: "Food Stock", "Clothing Categories" and "Sweep Freeze."

    Part 2: Parenting Guide: "Organizing My Play Area" Parenting Tips Guide walks parents through strategies on how to organize an effective learning environment within your home, that continues to keep your child's interest. It includes tips and ideas on how to encourage your child to clean up their items, keep an organized play area and information about age-appropriate expectations. Includes Social Skill Building Activities to address this topic.

    All activities teach to these Level 1 Learning Objectives  

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 1 review
      Fun way to work with my almost 2 and 4 yr olds.

      Really enjoyed these activities with my almost 2 and almost 4 year old. Some were definitely too advanced for my littlest, but she especially loved taking part in the one where we measured with chalk and then tried to see how few jumps it took to get to the measurement. My almost 4 year old likes getting to include his sister in some of the activities as usually I try to occupy her with coloring or other toys while working with my son. All in all a fun curriculum that we will keep working with in the future.

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