Preschool, Daycare and Homeschool Parents have used this Curriculum for the following:
Enrichment Center Activities
Homeschool Curriculum
Circle Time Lessons
Indoor/Outdoor Activities
Observations for DRDP-R and Foundations Preschool Assessments
- Social Skill Development
And much more!
Thank you for taking the time to check out this curriculum series. As a former Preschool Teacher and Director, I know that making sure all the children in your care learn the academic and social skills necessary for a successful transition to Kindergarten, is always on a teachers mind. I created this curriculum, filled with learning activities that meet Current National Guidelines, for you to include simple, quick-prep, play-based lessons sprinkled within your preschool day!
Some preschools/daycares use this as their main curriculum while others use the activities to supplement their current lesson plans.
There are 2 parts to this Program:
1) Soothing Sammy - Emotional Development
2) Pre-K YOUR Way Curriculum - Academic and Social Development
Part 1: Soothing Sammy:
Are you interested in creating a calm down corner in your classroom, but not sure how? I wrote this set to teach children how to use their sensory system to calm down in a way that is simple for them to remember and easy for you to implement. I have special packages for educators/preschools that includes specific activities and lesson plans.
If you are interested in Soothing Sammy packages, I offer a Free handout describing, step by step, how to introduce Sammy to your classroom so that it will be used as designed!
View Details Here!
Part 2: Pre-K YOUR Way Curriculum:
Daily Curriculum Guide
Some Early Childhood Teachers and Homeschooling families have requested a sample daily schedule to plan out activities. I have created a plan for you. Feel free to modify it as necessary to fit the the unique needs to the children you are teaching.

You can find this plan HERE.
Other preschools advertise this curriculum to the parents who send their kids to their site, in order to encourage parents to spend time with their children, learning through play, at home (and sometimes giving kids that extra boost they need to master certain skills)! If you are interested in this specific program, special deals can be created specifically for the parents who attend your school. Please contact me so I can set you up with more information (includes pre-made fliers, special deals for your families, sample booklets and MORE)!
Check out our Pre-K Your Way options Here!
The activities in this curriculum are perfect for teachers and parents alike. Preschool and Daycare teachers have used our activities as circle/group time learning experiences, and also as center time lessons. View Free Activity Samples HERE.

The JDE Curriculum Series is designed to teach all children learning objectives that meet current Kindergarten Readiness Standards. These Standards include:

JDEducational Curriculum Theory
In order to create a curriculum that would be beneficial for ALL children, our core foundation was derived from Harvard University Professor's (Howard Gardner) educational theory of "multiple intelligences". Gardner believed that traditional education was not utilizing the strengths of all children because every child is unique and learns differently. JDEducational Curriculum incorporates Gardners "eight intelligence pathways" into our activities, to teach current Kindergarten Readiness Academic and Social Skills.
These eight "intelligences" include:
Linguistic - "Word Smart"
Logical-Mathematical - "Numbers/Reasoning Smart"
Spatial - "Picture Smart"
Bodily - Kinesthetic - "Movement Smart"
Musical - "Rhythms and Songs Smart"
Interpersonal - "People Smart"
Intrapersonal - "Self Smart"
Naturalist - "Outdoor/Nature Smart"
Our Curriculum is based off of multiple theories (including a combination of Reggio Emilia- project approach and child-led art, Montessori - individual work and teacher-led activities AND Play-based/Child-led activities).
By incorporating this curriculum into your classroom, you are sure to include children of all interests and learning styles, including those that love to move and run! Incorporate these activities either indoors or outdoors (or both). Complete the activities multiple times throughout the school year to reintroduce academic and social concepts, allowing all children the opportunity to master these skills.
See SAMPLE PAGE for videos of JDEducational children completing activities.
Check out our Pre-K Your Way options Here!

Curriculum Options:
Themed activities can be completed as units or as individual activities based on what the children are interested at that time.
To complete the activities, teachers use the activity guides and items laid out in the materials section for each activity. Items include things typically found around a home or preschool rooms, such as crayons, paper, paper plates, cheerios, empty boxes, play-dough, finger-paint, soccer balls, sidewalk chalk, painters tape, blankets, etc. Jeana created this curriculum so all that would have to be purchased are the activity guides!
This Curriculum Series contains three separate levels based on a child's skill level, not age. Each level builds on the preceding one. When deciding which level is appropriate for your classroom, view the learning objectives Comparison Chart for each Level.
Daily Curriculum Guide
Some Early Childhood Teachers and Homeschooling families have requested a sample daily schedule to plan out activities. I have created a plan for you. Feel free to modify it as necessary to fit the the unique needs to the children you are teaching.

You can find this plan HERE.
More Questions?
View our FAQ Page for answers to common questions. Please contact me for more assistance.