Homeschool Preschool the Fun & Easy Way!
Looking for ways to teach your child while having fun?
It's exhausting scouring Pinterest for hours to find that perfect activity, then spending time buying and prepping all the materials needed to complete it.
Worksheets only keep your child's attention for short periods of time, and don't always interest young kids.
What if your child could learn through play using things you already have at home?
Hi, I'm Jeana Kinne, an Early Childhood Educator and Curriculum Specialist.
Pre-K YOUR Way activities include step-by-step instructions and handy material lists of common household items that will fill your days with fun!
They are so simple that any adult can do them with less than 3 minutes of prep time!
Your kids will have the time of their lives learning through:
- Cooking
- Music
- Art Activities
- Movement Activities
- Science Experiments
- Letter Activities
- Sensory Play
... and so much More!
Perfect for children ages 2-6, Pre-K YOUR Way uses typical household items to teach your child:
- Math
- Science
- Motor Skills
- Language Development
- Letter and Word Knowledge
- Beginning Reading
- Social Skills
- Emotional Skills
- Independence Skills
These are not printable worksheets that your kids have to sit and fill out.
Your child will develop a love of learning!
Tired of spending 20 minutes creating the "perfect Pinterest chart?" Instead, get started in as little as three minutes with a Pre-K YOUR Way activity!
The step-by-step directions are so easy anyone can do it! Watch your child's love of learning develop as you spend time playing together.
"I have been using Pre-K YOUR Way with my son who is 4 years old. I was looking for activities we could do together. I love how the curriculum is not a book of worksheets to hand off to my son and does not list expensive or complicated materials to go out and purchase. My son and I look forward to completing the activities together.
Each one we've done has been high interest for him and quick enough to hold his attention. They give us great starting points for conversations throughout the day and I can see his vocabulary developing. I've also appreciated how well written the curriculum is. The materials and directions are clearly laid out in logical steps that are easy to follow with little prep." - Erin
BONUS: Your parent-child bond will grow even stronger as you play and learn together.
Finding the time to spend just 15 minutes every day will show your child they they are important to you.
We are all really busy with household tasks, working, grocery shopping and just keeping the house running. It is hard find a lot of time to prep and plan daily lessons.
These activities were created for you! A busy, homeschooling mom who wants to make the most out of every activity/lesson time you do with your child!
Imagine playing educational games with your kids using items you already have at home with less then 3 minutes of prep time.
Do you have a busy day running around? Use the Level 1 Community Themed Activities to teach your child while running errands or going to the park!
The Pre-K YOUR Way series is a no-nonsense, simple and fun way to teach your kids at their own pace, meeting them at their own skill level and teaching them in their unique learning style.
All activities are based off of an educational theory called "multiple intelligences" stating that every child learns differently. Some learn better with movement, others like messy play, some like art, others like visual and some love to listen to stories. All of these are a variants of hands-on learning!
Watch as you develop an even stronger bond with your child, learning their unique strengths, laughing together and creating lifelong memories.
"My 3 year old daughter and I had so much fun! While painting, building, drawing, and jumping, she learned about colors shapes, numbers, and letters. The Pre-K YOUR Way activities are easy to follow and can be completed in 15 to 20 minutes. My daughter learned so much while playing and having fun. I highly recommend JDEducational to anyone.” - Tara
Available in full levels in printed books or digital download themed units, Pre-K YOUR Way:
1. Includes activities that meet YOUR child's unique learning style.
Do you have a child who doesn't like to sit down for 10 minutes? Maybe you have a child that loves art projects, or creative writing, or music. Every child learns differently.
- Linguistic - "Word Smart"
- Logical-Mathematical - "Numbers/Reasoning Smart"
- Spatial - "Picture Smart"
- Bodily - Kinesthetic - "Movement Smart"
- Musical - "Rhythms and Songs Smart"
- Interpersonal - "People Smart"
- Intrapersonal - "Self Smart"
- Naturalist - "Outdoor/Nature Smart"
Our activities teach teach to every learning style.
2. Activities are modified to YOUR child's development and skill level.
Every child is unique and learns at different paces. Not all three year olds know the same things or have mastered the same developmental tasks. In order to support every child, the curriculum is broken into three levels. These levels are skill-based not age-based. Find out which level is best for your child here.
3. All activities are Budget friendly, using typical household items to complete.
Kids can learn with anything! Pre-K YOUR Way activities utilize items most have already laying around the home - paper, sidewalk chalk, measuring tape, tape, markers, buckets, empty cardboard boxes... etc.
These activities were made to be completed on a budget -- no need to cut out pre-made shapes from construction paper (who wants to spend time doing that anyway??) or buy specific brands of materials.
Each activity defines exactly what your child will learn, lists materials needed and require minimal prep! Prepare for an activity in three minutes or less!
4. Activities range between 10-20 minutes each and are easily integrated into YOUR busy schedule.
- With one child or multiple children of various ages.
- With any adult (including parents, grandparents, babysitters and more) that work with kids.
- At any time. Every family is different so there is no set schedule. Complete the activities when it is most convenient for you.
- Anywhere (at home, at the park, on vacation, inside, outside, and a neighbors house, at a preschool or anywhere else).
Your child will learn new skills and create special memories while you strengthen your relationship through play.
5. Teaches YOUR child Kindergarten Readiness Skills that meet National Standards for Homeschool, Public School or Private School, making sure your child is ready to move onto an elementary curriculum whenever you believe they are ready.
- Math and Science - Addition, Subtraction, Patterning, Measurement and More!
- Cognitive Development - Problem Solving, Sorting, Categorizing and more!
- Physical Development - Large Muscle (Jumping, Hopping, etc) and Small Muscle Development (Using Scissors, Writing, etc)
- Language Development - Vocabulary Development and Following Multiple-Step Directions
- Literacy Skills - Letter and Word Knowledge and Beginning Reading
- Social Skills - Engaging with adults and peers in an age-appropriate way
- Emotional Development - Understanding and Processing their feelings.
- Self-Help Skills - Learning skills to become independent.
- All learning objectives are based on current Preschool Assessments and Kindergarten Readiness Standards.
"Pre-K YOUR Way has been a breath of fresh air. My 2 1/2 year old is into anything and everything and has a hard time staying focused. The curriculum is perfect for my busy toddler because most activities last no more than 15-20 minutes.
All the materials are items we have on hand, so there's no need to make a special shopping trip. The activities keep my son engaged, have helped him learn, and best of all, he thinks we're just having play time! I would definitely recommend the curriculum to any parent wanting to strengthen their kids knowledge and have great time while doing so." - Nancy

Spending one-on-one time with your child not only helps them learn, it also gives them the interaction and attention the crave all day - something they will cherish for a lifetime.
Have more then one child? These activities can be completed with multiple children of all ages! Take it from Tara who Homeschools her 3 and 7 year old!
"We did the first two lessons today, and even my 7-year old loved them. He was able to practice his handwriting and learn more about the solar system. It's great that the lessons can be differentiated to include older siblings." Tara
More Questions? Visit our FAQ page here.
How to Purchase:
Printed and Digital PDF Versions of the Curriculum available.
Digital Versions are Available Here.
Click HERE to find out which curriculum level is right for your child.