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 "Sammy Goes to Preschool"

Sammy, the golden retriever, discovers that preschool is a lot of fun. Throughout the preschool day, Sammy learns that although his friends look different than him, they can still play together. 

Chaz, the piglet, Mylie, the duckling, and other baby animals, spend the day playing games, singing songs, eating snack and learning new skills.

This story teaches diversity, inclusion and equality, by celebrating the uniqueness in every child. Sammy learns that he can be friends with children of all skill levels and abilities. 

BONUS Games included in the back to the book help children identify what makes them unique and why they are special.

AMAZING BOOK!"A well written rhyme book that shows kids how to interact with others regardless of their differences" - K.


Complete Sammy Bundle with Curriculum
Sammy Goes to Preschool
Sammy Chases the Alphabet
Sammy Alphabet Bundle
The Search for Sammy
Sammy the Golden Dog  Collection
