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Activity #10: Christmas Past


  • One (1) Photo of your child from each year during past Christmas's since they were born.
  • One (1) Photo of your child's siblings from each year during past Christmas's since they were born.
  • One (1) Photo of you (parents) from each year during past Christmas's since they were born.


  • Understanding Time
  • Identifying People
  • Following Multi-Step Directions
  • Sorting Objects by Category
  • Quantity and Counting


  1. Place all of the photos from the materials list into a pile. 
  2. Ask your child if they know who is in the photos?
  3. Go through each photo with your child, helping them identify who is in the photo. 
  4. Once they have identified who is in the photos, have them group the photos together - grouped by who is in the photo (all of them together, all of the parents together, each sibling in their own piles, etc).
  5. Ask the child to count how many photos are in each pile. Who's pile has the most photos?
  6. Ask your child to look at the photos in the pile of themselves. Can they identify how old they are in each photo?
  7. Help your child place the photos of themselves in order from youngest to oldest. 
  8. Ask them if they can point to the picture where they are the "youngest"? How about the  "oldest"?. 
  9. Repeat steps 6 through 8 with the rest of the piles. Can they identify youngest and oldest in those piles?

OPTIONAL: Continue with pictures of others.. grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. 

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12 Days Of Christmas

The first activity will be emailed to you immediately! Spending time with your Preschooler is the best gift you can give them. Happy Holidays to your family from mine!

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