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Activity #4: Spice Jar Christmas Push


  • One (1) Empty Spice Jar with Small Hole Lid (Like above photo)
  • Twenty (20) or more of Green Pine Needles off of Christmas Tree
  • Five (5) Small Pieces of Paper
  • One (1) Small Cup
  • One (1) Pen


  • Counting - One to One Correspondence
  • Number Identification
  • Fine Motor Development - Developing Pincer Grasp
  • Fine Motor Development - Using Child-safe Scissors
  • Following Multiple-Step Directions


  1. Place a handful of pine needles on a table.
  2. Place the empty spice jar next to the pine needles.
  3. Show your child the child-safe scissors and allow them to cut the pine needles into small pieces.
  4. Ask your child to count how many pine needles there are.
  5. Tell your child that you are going to play a game. The adult should write the following numbers on small pieces of paper - Write one number on each piece of paper: 1, 3, 5, 8 & 10.
  6. Place all of the pieces of paper in a small cup.
  7. Tell your child to pick one of the pieces of paper out of the cup and read what number is on it. If your child is unable to identify the number, the adult can help by naming the number.
  8. Tell your child that to count out the same number of pine needles to match the number on the piece of paper.
  9. Once your child has the correct amount of pine needles tell them to put all of the pine needles they counted out into the spice jar by "pushing" them through the small holes on the top of the jar.
  10. Repeat steps 6 through 9 until all of the pine needles are in the jar.
  11. Close the lid to the spice jar and allow your child to use the "shaker" to make music, shaking it along with holiday music!

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