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Pre-K YOUR Way: Letter "S" Art

This week, we will be looking at the letter "S". Every day there will be a letter "S" activity. Children learn in so many different ways, and this includes learning the letters in a variety of different ways. These letter activities teach how to write the letter and the sounds of the letter!

Today, we will be learning the letter "S" through Art!

Materials Needed:

  • One (1) cup of sand (If you don't have any Sand, Sea Salt can be used instead)
  • One (1) Piece of paper
  • One (1) Black Marker 
  • One (1) Bottle of Elmer’s Glue
  • One (1) art paint brush
  • One (1) plastic/paper bowl



Step 1: Have an adult draw an “S” on a large piece of paper with a black marker.

Step 2: The adult should put two tablespoons of Elmer’s glue into a plastic/paper bowl.

Step 3: Encourage the child to dip the paintbrush into the glue and trace the “S”.

Step 4: Let the child use their fingers to sprinkle the Sand onto the glue.

Step 5: Place the “S” up to dry.


What is one thing you learned about your child during this activity?

This Activity is from Level 1! Find more Activities Here!

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