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Easy Way to Decode Children's Emotions

One of the hardest parts of working with young children is "guessing" their feelings.

My friend just had her first child last week and she is learning "the cries." What do they mean? What does that baby want?

It can be so hard and frustrating when our kids can't tell us what the issue is or won't talk to us.

That's where these FREE emotion cards come in! Okay - so they won't work for infants (sorry Ashley!) - but they will help toddlers and preschoolers.


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    How to use the emotion cards:

    1. Add them to Soothing Sammy's house so when children are calm, they can show you how they felt.

    2. Cut them into cards and attach them onto a ring. Put them in your pocket so they are with you everywhere. When there is a conflict, the kids can point to the pictures that resemble their feelings.

    3. Make a few copies of the cards and play a matching game!

    4. Place the cards in the pretend play area with dolls and stuffed animals! The kids can help their friends explain how they are feeling.

    When children are given a variety of ways to communicate their feelings, they are less likely to get upset, tantrum or meltdown. They will feel understood and more willing to find a solution. Visual cues, like these emotion cards do just that!

    AND it help us from the 10 minutes of guessing what on earth is going on!

    If you haven't heard of the "Soothing Sammy Program" that I created to teach kids how to manage their feelings through play, here is some more information.


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