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Early Childhood Blog

Simple activities to keep your Preschoolers ENTERTAINED while stuck inside all day.

Simple activities to keep your Preschoolers ENTERTAINED while stuck inside all day.

Staying indoors with young children for days at a time can test the patience of any adult.  With the unpredictable-ness of the Corona virus, many o...
3 Steps to DeCode Your Child's Tantrums

3 Steps to DeCode Your Child's Tantrums

Do you ever find yourself standing in the doorway of your home, scratching your head and wondering why your child is having a meltdown over putting...
One  Simple Way to Making Sure You Have Some "Me" Time When You Have Young Children

One Simple Way to Making Sure You Have Some "Me" Time When You Have Young Children

Walking through the park today, I couldn’t help but notice a bunch of parents sitting around the side of a playground, watching their two, three an...
7 Things to Do When You Bring Baby #2 Home

7 Things to Do When You Bring Baby #2 Home

  Guest Post Written by:  Hehe Stewert, Doula - Read more about her at the end of this post! Bringing home a baby can be an exciting time for the ...
Teaching Children Through Art - A Special Gift

Teaching Children Through Art - A Special Gift

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” Pablo Picasso  Messy, sticky, dirty, unorganized organic art!...
10 Simple Ways to Toilet Train Your Child

10 Simple Ways to Toilet Train Your Child

As a parent educator and long time preschool teacher, I have toilet trained over 100 children and changed thousands of diapers. Many parents have ...
Encourage Your Child to Listen to You With These Simple Steps.

Encourage Your Child to Listen to You With These Simple Steps.

  One of the most common questions that parents ask is if their child is ready for Kindergarten. Not only do children need to know how to write the...
Computer Kids - A Guide to Less Screentime

Computer Kids - A Guide to Less Screentime

Today I was asked about technology and my thoughts on it. As an early childhood educator, the new age of technology has been a struggle for me for ...
